If you treat tuberculosis, the symptoms will disappear and the disease will eventually be cured.
Tuberculosis quickly affects the whole body.
Always be sure to cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing.
If you accidentally missed the drug intake time, take the drugs by all means, as soon as you can, but the next dose of a medicine can be taken not earlier than in 8 hours.
Therapy under continuous monitoring will be efficient only if it will last at least 2 months; in order to prevent the relapse of the disease, the treatment must without fail proceed to ultimate recovery.
Be patient, as the medicines to treat tuberculosis do not take immediate effect; ask your doctor about 2 phases.
If you are pregnant, be sure to tell your doctor about your condition, as you cannot be given injections of streptomycin.
Pre-emptively advise those people whose coughing doesn't subside throughout the duration of 2 to 3 weeks to get tested for TB.
The underfives should get a BCG vaccination to prevent severe forms of TB.
Immediately tell the doctor in case of any drug side effects while taking medications.
Do not use alcohol and drugs during the treatment of tuberculosis, as it leads to liver degradation.
Do not take paracetamol during the treatment, as it can lead to liver degradation.
Get yourself tested for HIV as people living with HIV/AIDS belong to a high-risk TB-illness group because of compromised immunity.
Download brochure for patients and their family members, "The things you need to know about tuberculosis.
Life after recovery
Just live a quiet life! If you have completed the basic course of treatment in compliance with treatment doses - you won't be taken ill with a TB in your life any more. You can come back to work you used to go to before you were taken ill, or find yourself a new job if your previous job distressed you. Reconsider your lifestyle and give up bad habits, start doing bodily exercises regularly, follow the rules of sensible nutrition good nutrition and smile - you're cured from TB!