Status of implementation of recommendations for section Monitoring and evaluation

Recommendations | Status | Implementation | Institution responsible for implementation | Deadlines |
Monitoring and evaluation | ||||
General recommendations | ||||
1. The capacity of the Monitoring and Evaluation Unit of the Centre for TB Control should be expanded by increasing the number of technical staff and funding for field supervision. |
2. The former TB recording and reporting system should be discontinued, and the two systems compliant with WHO recommendations and in use by the anitary–epidemiological services should be maintained. |
Not implemented
Soviet system of TB accounting and reporting is still applicable. Thus, TB reporting in Ukraine is currently performed under two systems – Soviet system and the one recommended by WHO. This leads to ineffective doubling and accumulation of useless data. |
State Service
Special recommendations | ||||
3. The development of recording and reporting of MDR-TB should be completed, endorsed by the Ministry of Health and adopted by all other ministries and departments. National guidelines should be updated accordingly. |
Not implemented
MDR-TB accounting and reporting system which was approved in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated 07.03.2013; No. 188 “On Approval of Primary Reporting and Accounting Forms for Chemoresistant Tuberculosis and Guidelines on Their Completion” does not comply with WHO recommendations. In 2014 it is planned to revise current manual and electronic system of TB and MDR-TB reporting to bring them in line with WHO recommendations. Moreover, respective amendments will be made to the electronic register of TB patients (e-TB Manager). Applicable guidelines on completion of TB/RR-TB/XDR-TB, cohort analysis and indicator analysis must be revised and improved by the end 2014 as recommended by WHO after updating reporting and accounting forms. |
State Service
4. The e-TB Manager program should be introduced countrywide by the end of the first phase of implementation of the Global Fund Round 9 grant, but only after the development of automatic outputs for case detection and treatment outcome and the importation of existing databases from the pilot oblasts. |
Not implemented
At the end of Phase 1 of the Global Fund grant (2012), the system of electronic register of TB-patients (e-TB Manager) was not introduced all over Ukraine. Only at the end of 2013, data from manual and electronic reports of TB 07 form were united in one pilot region, i.e. Odesa region. Until the end of 2014, it is planned to achieve accordance in data of manual and electronic reports, pursuant to the implementation plan for electronic register of TB-patients (e-TB Manager). |
5. Extensive training should be conducted at oblast and rayon levels for recording and reporting TB, with priority given to those oblasts without previous international support. |
During the phase 1 of the round 9 grant of the Global Fund, 386 healthcare professionals were trained in M&E (systems of reporting and accounting and/or data and strategic information management), with specialists of district and regional level from various regions of Ukraine among them. |
6. A system of field supervision should be created at all administrative levels. |
The system of field supervision on the national and regional levels is not currently approved with any regulations. In fact, monitoring visits from the national level to the regional one have been financed since 2012 under the Global Fund grant. Until 2016, monitoring visits from the regional level to the district one will be partially financed by the Global Fund grant (17 regions) and partially by USAID project (10 regions). Furthermore, the applicable Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated February 23, 2000 No. 33 “On Staff Standards and Typical Staff for Healthcare Facilities” does not provide for establishment of a competent M&E department at regional TB dispensaries. Respective amendments should be made while revising this Order, which would provide for separate FTEs whose functional responsibilities would comply with the international approaches to M&E system arrangement. |
In 2012, a new structure was established – state institution “Ukrainian Centre for Socially Dangerous Diseases Control of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine" – which was made responsible for M&E in the sphere of TB and HIV. This authority has expanded possibilities for monitoring and evaluation of all directions of TB program, at the expense of funds allotted for monitoring visits to the regions from the Global Fund grant. It is planned to make two visits to each region of Ukraine throughout the phase II of the round 9 grant of the Global Fund.